La traverse des activités et savoir faire nazériens

Le bâtiment, fortement inspiré par les alentours, prend la forme d’un îlot fermé. Il est placé en recul des deux rues pour laisser de la place à deux places publiques de part et d’autre. Cet espace autour le bâtiment, va promouvoir des rencontres entre les passants et les artisans. Leur travail va devenir l’attraction principale quand on passe à côté du bâtiment. 

It was the workers and their work, not the building itself, that was the object of interest. (…) A summary of observations and investigations shows that people and human activity are the greatest object of attention and interest. Even the modest form of contact of merely seeing and hearing or being near to others is apparently more rewarding and more in demand than the majority of other attractions offered in the public spaces of cities and residential areas.
Life in buildings and between buildings seems in nearly all situations to rank as more essential and more relevant than the spaces and buildings themselves.»

Life between buildings, Jan Gehl, 2001
© Life between buildings, Jan Gehl, 2001